CSR activity
Corporate social responsibility
For many years, the Group has been placing great emphasis on social responsibility, focusing mainly on helping the vulnerable sections of society, including disadvantaged families and children with health problems. Furthermore, it feels a responsibility to support the high-quality education of young people, both financially and with innovative classroom developments.
Pro Filii Foundation
Open websiteThe Pro Filii Foundation was established by the Mészáros Group in 2021 with the intention of supporting civil and non-profit organisations and individuals by contributing to the improvement of the health, lifestyle and equal opportunities of the people living in Hungary and in Hungarian-inhabited settlements outside the country’s borders. The Foundation evaluates grant applications submitted through an electronic platform and provides funding to help improve the quality of life of the physically disabled and socially disadvantaged, and to raise the standard of our country’s intellectual, artistic, cultural and sports life.
Mészáros Foundation
Open websiteThe Mészáros Foundation was established by Mr. Lőrinc Mészáros with the aim of supporting students in higher education through scholarships. By granting this opportunity, the Foundation wishes to encourage the talented and hardworking youth living in the settlements of the Vál Valley (located about 40 km nort-west of Budapest) to acquire meaningful knowledge during their university/college years. Under the Higher Education Scholarship grant application programme created by the Foundation, students who are pursuing higher education and are residents of Felcsút, Alcsútdoboz, Kajászó, Tabajd, Vértesacsa or Vál can receive a scholarship.
Foundation for Innovative Education (High-Tech School program)
Open websiteBy equipping digital classrooms and supporting teachers, the “High-Tech Suli” (High-Tech School) program helps children discover the world and their natural talents. The goal of the Foundation for Innovative Education is to ensure that circumstances never stand in the way of learning, and therefore it supports methodological, educational technological and infrastructural developments in public education and vocational training institutions. Furthermore, it supports the professional development of teachers and helps create opportunities for students to catch up and for nurturing talents. Another important objective of the Foundation is to support knowledge sharing in Hungary and across borders.
Vál Valley Foundation for Youth
Open websiteThe mission of the Vál Valley Foundation for Youth (Vál-völgyi Fiatalokért Alapítvány) is to give young people living in the Vál Valley an opportunity to start their lives, helping them to lay the foundation for their future and create a home for their family in a peaceful, calm and healthy environment where it is good to live and to grow up. The aim of the founder, Mr. Lőrinc Mészáros, is to provide financial assistance to the talented and diligent students of the region, as well as to improve the housing conditions of youth by renovating and modernising existing residential properties.
Puskás Academy Alumni Foundation
Open websiteThe purpose of establishing the Puskás Academy Alumni Foundation is to support former students at the following stages of their life journey: starting a family, homemaking and beautification of their homes. The young people who study and play sports here develop a bond with the mother institution and the settlement where it is located, which is similar to the bond with one’s homeland.